Stepping Into Adulthood, Stepping Into Dad's Shirt
After a hard day of studies and internships, you return home and open your closet to find a gift. A formal shirt. This isn't any shirt though. A timeless linen white button down. Or a black bamboo shirt.
What's so special about this shirt?
Well, this is your father's acceptance, his approval, a sign of respect. Baccha bada ho gaya hai, he is saying through this gift. Because this is the first formal shirt you ever saw him in. Was it an office party or was it your school's annual function? You can't quite recall but you still remember that feeling- of looking at your father in his suit and tie, wishing to be just like him.
Soon, perhaps. Soon, you will be
This shirt encompasses so many memories. Recollections of the time your father held your hand. From teaching you, to walking along old roads to late night study sessions. Your first shave, perhaps. Tying a Windsor knot for prom with Dad’s help. Or was he standing there, proud as a peacock while his papa ki pari scored her first goal on the field? These are some of your core memories that you wish to recreate with your children someday, all wrapped up in a shirt.
After all, many a time our fathers are our first introduction to the formal world. While times are changing, in India quite a few families hold onto traditional gender roles, making our dads the ones who take us to corporate events for the first time and who teach us the importance of wearing a formal shirt the right way for our first big interview. This Father’s Day, we at The Formal Club would like to pay homage to this role that many dads play without asking for anything in return but a smile from their child.
Teaching Us About the World Outside the Comfort Zone of Home By…
Teaching the Importance of Work Ethic
While we see our mothers and some fathers, work tirelessly to make our houses a home, many parents have to part from their jigar ka tukdas early in the morning to ensure that the bills are paid and their children’s wishes are met. From them, we learn the importance of work ethic in a corporate setting, we learn the importance of navigating challenges such as tiring superiors, demanding deadlines, and more. And from the best parents, we learn how to do this with a smile and humility.
Our fathers taught us to have spines of Vibranium in the office. They may look unassuming in their pressed linen or sustainable cotton shirts paired with trousers, but they will wreck anyone who comes after their dignity or their family. And while buying fresh clothing, even slow fashion ones, isn’t the most sustainable option when thrifting and factory discards exist, if you must get a newly made piece for your Dad, why not try the organic Giza cotton or sustainable linen or bamboo blend or TENCEL shirt at The Formal Club.
After all, there is no better way to appreciate Dad’s work ethic than help him take a day off where you make him breakfast or take him to a beach in a nice resort shirt for him and for you. Gift your Dad a shirt and some time with you. Trust us, he will love it. But he might just end up making new clients at the beach too. After all, while moms often teach us social etiquette, Dads are perhaps more likely to …
Teach Us How to Network
Is this something all Dads do? No. Sometimes other family members take up the role. But since in Indian families fathers are more likely to be working outside the home, they end up introducing us to their bosses, juniors, and other colleagues or employees. They also introduce us to their clients and partners.
Whoever does this, whether it is a father or an aunt or mum or chahca ji, they teach us valuable skills for when we enter the work force, and perhaps even in school. After all, many friendships are born from acquittances. But the first friend we all have, is Dad. Mom is the best, of course, but in many families, Dad is the buddy. And if I had to give my buddy something? I would take his ethics and values into account and present him with a pen or a fresh pressed linen shirt from The Formal Club.
After all, many parents will feel uncomfortable with thrifted shirts and factory discards. On days like Father’s Day, let us help them understand these sustainable ideologies and take baby steps with fresh slow fashion. After all, they helped us take our first baby steps, including…
Teaching Us Financial Management
Remember when we were young and our parents bought everything for us? Growing up and getting our jobs showed us how much effort went into that. Especially budgeting. God, budgeting. And who taught us to do that? Our parents. For me it was my mum. But it could be Dad for you. And if it was your father, he taught you an essential skill to survive as an adult.
Perhaps, you can repay him by showing you can save now, while having some leftover for expenses.
How? Budgeting, of course.
Show him how much savings you have, while also getting him a nice formal shirt that’s affordable for you. That shirt will forever remind him that there is someone who can run the house now. Aap unke baith ke relax karne ka vakt aa gaya hai. And he shouldn’t be shocked that you are so impressive. After all, he likely is the one who taught you to…
Dress to Impress
From how to tie a shoeless to how to tie a tie and pair it with the right blazer, I owe it all to my Dad. Mum might have shown me how to accessorize, but Dad taught me skills like shoelaces, without which the crispest dress can look shabby. Valuing my comfort and happiness above all else, he always bought me vegan and sustainable clothing as far as possible. And I am sure, your father taught you the same.
If he did, you can repay him by helping him dress good, now. I won’t make another sales pitch here, but The Formal Club carries varieties of low and high impact shirts that are suited to your needs. In the sustainable category we have, linen, Giza cotton, bamboo blends, and TENCEL. If you wish to show your parents you can dress yourself, grab them and yourself some slow fashion sustainable or theifted shirts this Father’s Day. After all, what better gift is there for a father than his child’s growth? Or art. Or time with his family.
See, push comes to shove? Your Dad is an important part of your life. Whether he was the best or the worst, he played in a role in making you the person you are. And if he was worthy of a gift, you can get him one. From writing or getting him a poem or poetry book or an awkward text to getting him a TFC eco-friendly and ethical shirt, the options are numerous.