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Write for Us

Write for Us

Do you have flair and passion for writing about fashion and beauty? Write for us at The Formal Club. We are searching constantly for bloggers, professionals, writers and freelancers to share the valuable fashion tips and highlights, and educate our readers.

By write for us fashion, you get the opportunity to submit your guest post and write on fashion and beauty among the latest topics. As a guest post contributor, you will be permitted to share your knowledge on formal shirts for men, fashion tips, ideas, and skills to engage our readers.

Our platform wants you to promote your fashion experience to us. We will set some writing guidelines you should follow to become our contributor. By writing to us, you can engage in the networking groups and make long term relationships with the fashionable community.

Introduction to The Formal Club's Guest Post Program

The Formal Club is the resource for the small fashion business owners, fashion experts, stylists, designers, influencers, etc that covers everything about fashion, beauty and styling. We have run our Guest Post Program to give you the best coverage on topics that matter a lot to our audience. 

We are actively looking for fashion experts, designers, influencers, and creators to share their fashion tips and experiences through our program.

We are also looking for the best advice, informational fashion articles, fashion advice and educational posts to resonate with our niche, formal wear and fashion, so our standards and guest post guidelines are high. Our team works hard to ensure the polished final product online for our readers.

Benefits of Contributing to The Formal Club Blog

By write for us fashion and beauty at The Formal Club, you will enjoy the following benefits

  • Exposure: You will gain visibility as a leading voice in the fashion community and get an online presence with your guest posts contents
  • Enhance your portfolio: Build your portfolio of published posts on our leading fashion platform. You will also get the opportunity to be featured on our social media channels and gain professional reach 
  • Recognition: Your guest posts will be attributed and credited to you. It results in your credibility and authority in the fashion era.
  • Networking: Writing for us gives you the opportunity to connect with fellow fashion lovers, writers, and celebrities who share their interests

What The Formal Club is Looking for in Guest Posts

We are passionate about formal wear, fashion, and attire ideas to give fresh ideas to our readers. If you have unique expertise and voice to contribute to us, then we invite you to submit guest posts in the fashion category. 

We only accept well researched and original blog posts, articles, write for us fashion, how to guide, reviews, tutorials related to men fashion.

Topics we accept

  • Latest trends in men’s fashion
  • Style advice and tips for men
  • Grooming tips and products for men
  • Men’s fashion industry news and events
  • Interviews with men’s fashion designers and influencers
  • Men’s fashion photography and art
  • Celebrity men’s fashion
  • Sustainable shirts and ethical men’s fashion
  • Men’s fashion for different body types

Wwrite for us. If you are also professional and expert in the men's fashion industry, then we encourage you to share your fashion tips, highlights, experience, and knowledge with our readers.e welcome writers from anyone with an interest in men's fashion to 

Content Guidelines for Guest Posts

We accept well-researched, high-quality, and original content. Once you submit your guest post on " The Formal Club," our editors will review it properly, as per our publishing policy. The main content guidelines you should adhere to are

  • Originality: We only value fresh and unique insights. Your guest post must be related to men's fashion, original, and not published anywhere.
  • Length: We only accept guest posts with a word range between 1000-1500 words, which consists of comprehensive, engaging, informational, and user-friendly content. We do not accept any piece beyond this word range.
  • Tone: Article tones range from casual to professional. Whatever tone you choose for the guest post, it remains aligned throughout the post. We only accept fashion tutorials and trending posts that are of engaging professional, and friendly tone.
  • Photos: You must attach high-resolution images with your post. We only prefer high-quality images in PNG & JPEG format maximum size of 100kb per image.
  • No promotional content: Your guest post only consists of informational content, without any advertising. Our team never supports promotional content with affiliate links that damage the reputation of our platform.

How to Submit Your Blog?

We welcome guest post submissions on our site! If you have an insightful blog that you would like to share, simply send it over to us for consideration. We engage in an exchange guest post system, meaning you share your blog with us, and we will post it on our site in return.

To submit your blog, please email it to editor@theformalclub.com. Be sure to include any relevant details or links you'd like to feature within the post. Once we review your submission, we'll ensure it gets published on our platform and share it with our audience. We look forward to your contribution!

Editorial Review and Approval Process

The Formal Club ensures that our every guest post meets the content and quality standards. Here are the stages in which the Editorial Review and Approval process go through

  • Initial review: Your write for us fashion post undergoes the initial review. We test it for originality, alignment and relevance with our niche on men’s fashion and formal wear. We focus on engaging and informative content.
  • Editing and feedback: Our editorial team suggests revisions to refine structure, tone and content accuracy. Our feedback aims to enhance the value of your guest post and engage with readers.
  • Approval timeline: You get a response from our team within 10-15 business days about your content approval. If it is approved, we will share your expected publication schedule.
  • Final publications: We have the right to make minor edits in your submissions to ensure grammar error-free, clarity, and formatting in content before final publication.

Guest Post Terms and Conditions

You must agree to our terms and conditions to submit a guest post on " The Formal Club."

  • Intellectual Property Rights: By submitting the guest post, you grant “ The Formal Club” the right to use, edit and publish content on and across social media platforms. We ensure that you are an original guest post contributor or have permission for its use.
  • Link Policy: Links that consist of content must be non promotional and relevant.
  • Editorial rights: We reserve the right to edit submissions for tone, grammar, and alignments, as per our brand standards.
  • Compliance: All write for us fashion and beauty posts adhere to ethical and legal standards and align with our industry focus on men's fashion and formal wear.

Content Ownership and Publication

The contributor must agree to our terms to submit a guest post to us

  • Ownership rights: Once you publish, your content will become part of The Formal Club. We have the right to use, repurpose, or distribute it on different platforms, including newsletters, social media, and promotional campaigns.
  • Contributor Credit: Our contributors will get author credit, include a short bio and link to their social media profile or personal website.
  • Non-Republishing: Once you publish your guest post on our website, you are not allowed to republish content on other platforms or websites.
  • Content purpose: Your posts must be valuable and educational and align with our standards on sharing fashion tips and knowledge to men.

This policy ensures consistency and transparency, helps contributors gain visibility, and maintains high standards.

